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On July 21, 2019 by Best Interior Designer in ahmedabad   3 comments

How is Burning Man Built?

Ever wonder how from the dust of the Nevada Desert every year? A video by vlogger Shalaco Sching offers an insight, documenting the process undertaken by the team of surveyors tasked with creating a temporary city from scratch, year after year.

As Shalaco documents through his video below, his Instagramand a written account on the Burning Man Journal, a team of 21 surveyors spend seven days laying the lines and waypoints of a 5.62-mile plan, creating the largest and most iconic art installation at Burning Man – the city itself.

The process of building centers on “The Golden Spike,” a center point of the city plan. From there, the “lines” of the settlement extend over one mile, with small flags marking the center point of where arterial and radial roads intersect.its awesome
Survey crew sits around the fire and plays glow-in-the-dark botchee ball after a long day of walking the city streets.
The team uses the intersection center point along with the center line of the arterial road to create two triangles. When combined, the triangles create a perfect square around the center point, the corners of which determine the four intersections, and street width.
Breakfast at sunrise

With street corner points flagged, the team uses the Golden Spike as a center point to establish the arched markings which, when populated, creates the iconic aerial image which defines every year.
Most cities they grow gradually. We have the advantage of being able to enact an entire city plan and make it consistent. A lot of cities that you would be more familiar with have developed slowly over time, so they don’t make a whole lot of sense. This city is planned to be temporary so we can make it a lot more organized than a regular city.
–Professor Plague, Surveyor
These seven days of planning, surveying, and assembly are ultimately what makes the  festival possible. Every August, the festival sees 70,000 participants come to all walks of life, assuming the role of architects and construction workers to use the to build all sorts of a fast, sustainable way.
Follow  see photos rise from the dust. Learn more about the construction process from his Burning Man Journal entry, and from the official Burning Man website. Explore ArchDaily's full Burning Man coverage here.


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